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Al hierdie gedigte is geskryf deur die 2017 eerstejaar Skryfkuns-studente van die NWU, na aanleiding van 'n praatjie deur Lennie Gouws oor die Eikebome.

The Old Oak Tree - Tyrell de Vries

I sit under the old oak tree
I looked up at the branches of which I could not see, 
The light that shone through the spaces between the leaves 
Eclipsed my vision from the brown bark of the branches.

The acorns drizzled down like raindrops
They fell to the ground with loud pops,
It put me at ease as I watched them fall 
And listened to the melodious sound as it calmed my soul.

Never had I experienced such a delight 
At the sight,
Of the green leaves turning brown 
As they fell from the branches.

As I sit under the old oak tree
As I watch and see 
That the old oak tree 
Shows me 
How to let all the dead things go 
And be free 


omdat ek jou lief het - Warren Fuller

omdat ek jou lief het
bied ek skadu
ek sambreel jou teen die reën 
en gee nie die son kans om jou skadu teen die aarde te gooi nie

dit storm, maar ek is steeds gewortel in my doel
weke lank drup die hemel se trane teen my blare af
dit les my dors

maar jy, jy breek my hart 
ek word jou slaaf
jy loop oor my 
ignoreer my 
sluk my water
verwerp my 

verwyder my tog van jou wêreld 
en jy sal die naaktheid van jou realiteit besef 
jy sal smeek om my terug te hê
maar jy ruk die laaste blaar van my dor liggaam af

ek sal my goedheid steeds met ander deel 
en vuur verskaf aan die wat met borde om hul nekke staan
ek sal jou nie meer beskerm nie 
omdat jy 
wil plek maak.


The Greats - Jené Liebenberg

Sauntering and ambling under the Greats’ shade,

It is an utter privilege – these oaks of God’s hand alone.

They hold a time capsule, each one,

But without life-giving water there will remain none.


A safe and humble abode the Greats provide to many a bird,

Every soul that wonders within their shade have hearts stirred,

They have seen eras and decades come and go,

Insurmountable their contribution to the culture’s flow.


Every acorn upon and beneath these trees a treasured being,

These Greats a sight worth keeping.

May we not only realise their perfect worth,

But give our unconditional best to keep them upon our sacred Earth.

My Akkerlaan Storie - Joy Mlangeni

Liewe akkerboom, jou takke so hoog dit raak die hemel

Jou blare sing soos die engele van bo af, jou takke so sterk soos yster en breek nooit deur ’n storm nie

Jy staan so braaf by Steve Biko Straat en skrik vir niks wat jou seermaak nie

Onder jou takke vind ek vreugde en blydskap en ek jubel daaroor

Liewe akkerboom, jou blare blink van trane, ek voel die hartseer in jou groot wortels wat onder die grond rus en ek troos jou met trane in my oë

Jy gooi jou skaduwee soos ’n kombers oor my swaar skouers en laggend kyk ek na die Hemel en sien hoe dit oopskiet

Kom ons albei kyk verby die seer en die swaar, al is dit moeilik

Kom ons albei vind liefde in mekaar se arms en vergeet van alles om ons en wat die wêreld aan ons gedoen het

Daar is hoop en ek voel hoe ons harte lig word van al die druppels reën op ons lywe

Liewe akkerboom, snags as ek my oë toemaak, voel my bed soos jou grasgroenblare en in my verlang ek na jou

Ek glimlag in my drome met die hoop dat ek môre stil by jou wortels, onder jou blare en takke my vreugde weer gaan vind


There is beauty amongst the Oak Avenue Trees - Carien Mulder

The shops sardine packed along the street

Outlining the path along the road.

Lives, all different, go on;

Some families, others individual,

Buzzing here and there.                   

Cars ping pong back and forth,

Each on their own mission.

Yet there they are,

Waving their green hands,

Seeking attention.

See their beauty

Don’t miss it

Before you miss out.

'n doel - Zandri Naudé

ons is almal

’n akker – ons klou

vas, want dis mooi

van daar bo af


wat sal





ons nie


                        en ander kans gee

            om ook te bewonder nie

Hier staan ons - Karmen Nel

Tussen die gewoel van jeudige liggame staan ons

Dag in

Dag uit

Ons maak geen beswaar, ons groei die ruimte in

Geen sê het ons in ons toekoms

Miskien jy

Ongetwyfeld jy

Jy kan onder ons skuil bedags, ons sal oor jou waak

Ons luister graag af maar vertel geen siel

Jy kan ons vertrou

Ons wil jou vertrou


The Oak Tree - Ntombi Ngwenya

Generations and generations have passed

All season changes you stood still

Nature had ripped off your natural juices and beauty

Drought had been a part of you yet they claimed they loved you

You’ve grown old and weary like a piece of furniture tossed outside

Yet your love for the people, for me, had never stopped flowing

Like a mother of the nations you provided

Love to those who needed comfort

Shelter to the homeless

Comfort to those who needed you

Peace is what we know you for

Breezing winds is what we love about you

You see no evil, speak no evil

Mother of nations our oak tree

How we love you but do not take care of you

How selfish of us

Respect to the oak tree - Tinika o'Reilly

A row of refined age, they stood still deciding what to be.

Nevertheless, they depict only, sticky, soft, sad and old emotion.

Well at least that is what it is to me.

Thought by many just to be a simple nut tree.

The simplicity in its complex could only be evident to optimists, you see?

But I respect those who aged older than me,

from the newborns, to those born in 1863

Their sweet natural melodies crunch under your feet,

as laying soldiers provide the fleet but they are only free,

When seen by someone like me.

Hence, I have paid my price…

Respect to Mother Nature.

Respect to beauty.

Respect to the strength and age of you.

Respect to the oak tree.

Uitwissing - Michelle van der Merwe

Majestueus, oorweldigend is die reuse van Akkerlaan


Ek stap waar daar jare gelede water gelei is vir die bome,

En die sluise van my gedagtes breek oop.


Jy het my wortels onder jou plaveisel vasgedruk

My belet om te floreer

Jy wou my uitroei, verwoes, vernietig

Selfs die Mooirivier het oorvloei van my trane

Ek was eens inheems in jou teenwoordigheid

Maar jy het mettertyd my beskou as ʼn indringer

Ek het myself verloor – soos herfsblare in die strate rondgedwaal

Jy het jou naam in die groewe van my stam uitgekerf

Verewig ʼn skadelike herinnering

En nou is ek besig om dood te gaan

Net soos honderde voor my…

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